Friday, May 1, 2015

Hello Wonderful parents!

We are entering in to the home stretch of the school year. We have been so impressed with student growth thus far and are thrilled to see how much growth students have made from the beginning of the year to the end of the year!

Right now our focus value is curiosity! We have seen so many kiddos asking lots of questions in their learning, showing how invested they are in academics, and they have been making new friends by asking questions. This focus value has really brought our students deeper into content and has allowed them to take ownership of their learning!

In two weeks we will begin our math assessments for the end of the year. Please continue looking over math quizzes that come home to see what  skills kiddos are having challenges with so you know what to practice Also, congratulate your kiddos on how amazing they have been doing and how much growth they have made!  This class of mathematicians is brilliant!

May 10th we will begin our reading assessments’. Please keep reading with your kiddos and signing their reading logs so that they are getting a great deal of practice to make them very confident readers. Below are some cool videos and resources to practice phonics skills to support student reading. We look forward to seeing how much more growth our kiddos have made in Quarter 4!  

                          -Dr Seuss HouseJ





Queridos padres,

Estámos llegando al final del año. Estámos tan impresionados y emocionados con el crecimiento que han hecho nuestros estudiantes.

Hoy nuestro enfoque es la curiosidad. Hemos visto tantos estudiantes haciendo preguntas en su aprendizaje, demostrando su interés en lo academic, y han estado haciendo nuevos amigos por medio de preguntas. El valor ha llevado a nuestros estudiantes hacia un contenido nuevo donde los permite adueñarse de su aprendizaje.

En dos semanas empezarémos los exámenes de matemáticas. Por favor continuen repasando los ejercicios que se mandan a casa para revisar las areas de crecimiento . También feliciten a sus hijos en su desarrollo y lo mucho que han aprendido. ¡Ésta clase es brillante!

El 10 de Mayo empezarán los exámenes de lectura. Sigan leyendo con sus hijos para que practiquen las diferentes areas y se sientan confiados. Abajo hay videos muy divertidos para practicar areas de fonética. ¡Ya queremos ver que tanto han crecido en el 4to cuatrimestre!

La casa de Dr. Seuss J






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