Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Hello Wonderful Parents!
Our next reading assessment is coming up soon! We will begin STEP testing when we come back from Thanksgiving break! Our goal is that each student has grown two steps from beginning of year step level.
Steps to take at home to help ensure growth..
·        Make sure students bring book bags to school every day!
·        Make sure students practice reading books in book bags for 20 minutes each day.
·        Practice first two levels of sight words.
·        Practice letter names and sounds.
·        Work with students on rhymes- Do cat and hat rhyme? Yes! They sound the same at the end. Do job and run rhyme? No they sound different at the end.
·        Help invest students in a love of learning. Have your kiddo choose a book at the bookstore that you can read together over the weekend!
The links below lead to some fun activities you can do with your students on the computer to help practice the tasks!  English letter names and sound.    PBS Rhyming Games

Hola queridos padres!
Nuestros siguientes exámenes se aproximan! Empezaremos regresando del Día de Gracias, y nuesta meta es que nuestros estudiantes crezcan dos niveles.
Pasos a seguir en casa para asegurar el crecimiento….
·        Asegurarse que traigan la bolsa de libros, todos los días
·        Asegurarse que lean por 20 minutos cada día
·        Practicar los niveles de palabras PUF
·        Practicar nombres de letras y sonidos
·        Trabajar en las rimas. Ejemplo,- Casa y taza riman, Si! Suenan igual al final. Casa y lobo rima? No, no suenan igual.
·        Inculquemos el amor por la lectura. Seleccionen un libro para leer de la biblioteca o de su casa!
Los links de abajo son actividades divertidas para que sus hijos practiquen

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