Friday, August 8, 2014

Hemos empezado unos divertidos dias de escuela. Los estudiantes han estado trabajando duro como equipo y se han estado acostumbrando con los procedimientos de la escuela.

We have had such a fun first three days of school! Students have been working so hard as a team and have begun to really feel confident and comfortable in procedures here at school.

La siguiente semana empezaremos con nuestro sistema de conducta. Los estudiantes llevaran a casa un folder amarillo que contiene el documento con nuestro sistema de colores. Les pedimos de favor, revisar y firmar el documento cada dia. Los estudiantes tendran la oportunidad de ganarse 3 colores en el transcurso del dia. Nuestra meta es que ganen el color amarillo, que significa que han trabajado duro al igual que concentrarse en las metas de la escuela.

Next week we will begin using our behavior management system. Students will come home with a yellow folder that has their color check document inside. Please check and sign this document each day. Students will have a chance to earn 3 colors during the day! Our goal is that students earn yellow, this means that all day they worked hard focusing on our summer school skills.

El 18 de Agosto, empezaremos con la siesta. Favor de asegurarse que su hijo tenga su colchon, almohada y/o cobija chica para que puedan descansar.

On August 18th,  we will begin having nap in our day. Please make sure your kiddo has a nap mat, pillow, and blanket to ensure comfort during nap time. You can find nap mats at Target and Wal-mart:)  

Favor de contactarnos cuan cualquier pregunta. Estamos aqui para ayudar a nuestros estudiantes y sus familias :)

Please reach out with any questions. We are here to support your kiddos and your families:) 

1 comment:

  1. Love looking for the yellow in the folder at the end of the day!
