Wednesday, September 3, 2014

We need your help! Necesitamos su ayuda!

Hola familias !

Estamos pasando tan bien en la escuela y tenemos nuestra primera oportunidad de voluntariado para los padres ! Tenemos que ayudar a la elaboración de carpetas . Para cada carpeta que se trata de una tarea 5 min . Estamos pidiendo a los padres que pueden venir en o padres que pueden tomar unos ligantes casa para armar en casa. Nuestro plazo es tener todo terminado a 44 Miércoles 10 de septiembre.

Por favor, llegue si usted nos puede ayudar de cualquier manera! Si usted puede venir por favor responda a este mensaje con un día y hora. Si usted desea tomar un hogar para trabajar en favor hágamelo saber en cuántos le gustaría trabajar y yo les puedo enviar tu camino :) Muchas gracias por todo lo que haces por tus kiddos! 

Así como un recordatorio de que tenemos nuestra casa abierta el próximo jueves 11 de septiembre!

Hey families!

We are having so much fun at school and have our first volunteer opportunity for parents! We need help putting together binders. For each binder this is about a 5 min task. We are asking for parents that can come in or parents that can take a few binders home to put together at home. Our deadline is to have all 44 finished by Wednesday September 10th.

Please reach out if you can help us in either way! If you can come in please respond to this post with a day and time. If you would like to take some home to work on please let me know about how many you would like to work on and I can send them your way:) Thank you so much for all you do for your kiddos! 
Just as a reminder we have our open house next Thursday September 11!


  1. Hello,
    Tiffo, Evelyn's mom here. I would be happy to make binders for you guys. I can do any number of them so feel free to load Evelyn up with as many as she can carry and once we get those done you can send us some more if you still have a need.

  2. Thank you so much! I think we are almost finished but if we have any left we will certainly send them your way! It has been such a JOY having Evelyn in our classes. She brings so much maturity and life experience to the class! She always has something so interesting to share and is such a brilliant student! Have a great weekend:)
