Friday, September 26, 2014

Hola padres de familia. Ésta semana tuvimos una caminata de ciencias, donde los estudiantes pudieron usar su sentido de la vista, observar la naturaleza a su alrededor, y dibujar sus observaciónes. Los niños se divirtieron mucho y nosotros disfrutamos ver su entusiasmo con su alrededor.

Hello parents! This week we had our first science walk where our students were able to use their sense of sight, observe the nature around them and record their findings. All the children had a lot of fun and we enjoyed seeing their enthusiasm with their surroundings.


  1. So fun! I know my daughter must have loved this. We don't pass by an acorn that we don't pick up.

  2. Kate knows so much about nature, it has been so fun having conversations with her on science walks:)
